Trying to Fix BoR and time in rank dates - error looping

We had a scout who was given a BoR 3 days before they completed the 6 month time in rank requirements. We updated Scoutbook with the following dates
Rank: 1/12/21 based on BoR being completed 1/12/21
Time in Rank: 1/15/21 based on 6 months from Star BoR

I’m trying to approve the Life rank in Scoutbook but am getting an error about the dates, however, when I try to fix rank, BoR, or time in service, the system just keeps error looping that one date or the other is before or after the earned date and I can’t actually fix any of the dates. Ultimately, the earned date should be 1/15/21 but I can’t get Scoutbook to fix it. Help please!

Are all of the requirements marked as completed? (Scoutbook’s code will mark the rank as completed overall if all of the requirements are marked as completed.)

Try removing the date from of the other requirements (for example: Scoutmaster conference). Then try removing the date from the BoR requirement. Next, remove the date from overall completion (Earned).

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