An issue with completing rank requirements

I have a scout whose Star rank was approved before the final time requirement (6 months) was complete. When I try to enter the required completion in the system, it tells me that it can’t be until after X date, but when I use that date, it tells me it was awarded on Y and requirements need to be finished before that date.

There isn’t an issue with the rank, the CoH was a number of months after, but I’m stuck because I’d like to get that in the official record, but the six months is completed after the rank was approved.


First try unapproving and clearing date of BOR requirement

When I try to move the date into the future:

You cannot edit this rank requirement because it’s already approved.

SCOUT earned Life Scout badge on Oct 3, 2021. All Life Scout requirements must be completed on or before Oct 3, 2021.

When I leave the date blank and uncheck leader approved/recorded:

You cannot edit this rank requirement because it’s already approved.

I am trying this through Scoutbook, should I be trying this somewhere else?

@MichaelPagan I can setup a quick Screenshare to walk you through it if you want

That would be great. I’m available for the next hour.

I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

@MichaelPagan look for direct message for link

Thanks for your help!

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