Unit Leader can not accept new leader application

I transferred from another Council and put in in a new leader application. It was under my current ID from Council “A”. Council “B” sees my application and can not accept, only transfer or reject.
Scout gets transferred successfully to Council B, and I can see them and their unit in Scoutbook. I took on leadership role in Unit but am not a Unit leader in Scoutbook. Put in a second application with new member ID in Council B, and the Unit leader can see it, but again only choices are transfer and reject. I withdrew second application but cannot withdraw initial application when still part of Council “A.” No one at Council level seems to be able to assist until Unit leader accepts my application into Unit, but that is unavailable. Meanwhile I am trying to schedule and communicate with adult partners and hold meetings for my den. This has been a problem for months. What can normal users do to correct this?

Adult applications must be accepted by the unit’s Chartered Org. Rep. (or COR Delegate). The unit leader does not have the ability to accept adult applications.


Thank you. I will reach out to them then.

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