Hey! Any ideas on why I cant transfer to a new Pack? Ive been a Den Leader for the past 2 years. Our Pack folded and my son and myself found a new Pack to join. My son had no issue getting his transfer approved, but its not letting the new Pack accept me. My dues are paid and my YPT is up to date.
@JeanetteDoser - did you fill out an adult application with the new pack ? Or are you trying this on-line. If online the COR has to accept the online application
and not all councils allow adult online apps
@JeanetteDoser - adding to what was just posted, not all Charter Partners allow online adult apps either, and again they are subject to requirements of the jurisdiction. Criminal Background checks, jurisdictional clearances and Charter partner requirements.
When you say it’s not letting the pack accept you, do you mean there isn’t an adult application option, or that they can’t accept it? If the former, you probably need to turn in a paper transfer application and include your current BSA ID number and mark the box for a “transfer”. If the latter, the question becomes who from the unit is trying to accept the application? Units can set up to either require only the COR or both the COR and the CC to approve adult applications. The CC can accept youth applications without COR action. This all assumes that online applications are turned on for both youth and adults, which are separate options.
@JeanetteDoser Ask if the new pack’s Chartered Org. Rep. (or COR Delegate) is trying to accept your application. They are the only ones who can accept adult applications.
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