Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
This council is currently not accepting online applications/transfers."
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*2) Windows
*3) Chrome 4) Browser cache has been cleared or you are using a private browsing mode (aka Incognito Window in Chrome)
*5) GNYC
Thanks all. We have been successful transferring scouts online but not adults. I was thinking there was a flag somewhere where we can either enable or ask Council to enable to be able to perform adult online transfers that anyone may be aware of. We have this same question to our District Rep as well.
Thanks again. I am still waiting for Council to get back to me as to how to proceed. Does anyone here have any recommendations. Should I have the transfer leaders fill out another application and submit them for rechartering that way?
Additionally, we have 1 scout and 1 adult get dropped from the roster recently. They were registered and on the roster for 2022/2023 but as rechartering opened up in IA, they disappeared from the roster. Council has been investigating this with no success as well. Has anyone seen this before or know how we could proceed?
Rechartering is due at the end of the month and we don’t want to wait until the last minute in case of other unforeseen issues. Thanks.
I’m having a similar issue with my own transfer between Troops in the same Council (and District). I submitted my transfer several weeks ago, but it seems to have been “stuck” in the system. I reinitiated the transfer a few days ago and sat down with my District Key 3 last night. They and the COR are unable to approve the transfer for some reason. The status page for the transfer is attached and both my losing and gaining unit charters are posted. Any thoughts or ideas on how to resolve this issue? My BSA number is 14671462. Thanks in advance for any assistance!