If a unit is paying for member renewal for members of their unit is there a way to stop emails being sent to the parents?
This would be to avoid confusion or double payment, etc.
If a unit is paying for member renewal for members of their unit is there a way to stop emails being sent to the parents?
This would be to avoid confusion or double payment, etc.
@JoshuaCromer - double payment is not possible in the system as it will have been marked as paid.
I knew someone was going to say this. I know this can’t happen.
However, is there still a possibility to opt parents out of the renewal emails?
@JoshuaCromer - it is a my.scouting.org driven thing, so best advice is talk to your council. If needed they can submit a membercare ticket.
I don’t think so. This should be an option put in by National that unit leaders can select to opt out parents from useless emails.
@JoshuaCromer - well there is nobody on here from the my.scouting.org team and these things are routed via local councils to enter the request for something like that.
Not under the current system, as far as I can tell. “Opt Out” marks an individual as not renewing. As Stephen mentioned, reaching out to your council professionals is the only way to submit a feature request/bug report for the registration/recharter system. The team that manages those systems only takes MemberCare/bug tickets from council professional staff, not via the volunteers on the forums here.
If you ask the council to provide you with the bug ticket number, then some of the volunteers here may be able to check on status if it’s been hanging a long while. That said, I wouldn’t expect a change to permit that any time soon, assuming the BSA even decides to pursue such a change.