Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
We just had our elections. Using a workaround provided in 2019, a Webmaster adult leader with the position of committee secretary was created. Our intent is create digital binders for POR stored in google drive. That google drive has the email address used for the Webmaster. The POR for webmaster will have additional responsibilities.
A lot has changed since 2019. I cannot find a definitive list of Scoutbook permissions and abilities for certain POR. I know SPL ASPL and Scribe can take attendance using the scouting app.and the the SPL has messaging abilities in scoutbook. what else does everyone know?
All of my input is based on experience with the Scouts BSA level interface, rather than Cub Scouts, Sea Scouts or Venturers.
As far as I know, all youth can message all other youth/parents through Scoutbook, or at least our PLs have never had any trouble doing so. The route to get to the messaging interface used to be kinda convoluted, but my son’s account has “Send Message” at the Dashboard level.