Updates to Eagle Scout Rank Requirements

Any word on when the Eagle requirements will be updated to reflect the reference changes in Guide to Advancement that went into effect on January 1st?

@The_Kernel not sure I am following you on “reference changes”?

Oh you mean the References themself on the Eagle Application? - that is not a written requirement as such - it is spelled on in the Eagle App - which is currently being cleaned up from some tech issues

The new GTA requirement is for 4 references. Parents and other relatives are strongly discouraged from serving as references. The unit leader and committee chair are not eligible to serve as references; their signatures on the application is their endorsement.

The new Eagle application now has this listed for requirement 2 “As a Life Scout, demonstrate that you live by the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law in your everyday life and tell how you have done your duty
to God. List the names of individuals who know you personally and would be willing to provide a recommendation on your behalf.”

In Scoutbook the Eagle Scout rank requirement 2 still states that they should “ List on your Eagle Scout Rank Application the names of individuals who know you personally and would be willing to provide a recommendation on your behalf, including parents/guardians, religious (if not affiliated with an organized religion, then the parent or guardian provides this reference), educational, employer (if employed), and two other references.”

There are technical issues with the new application PDF. The Scouts BSA program office is currently updating the PDF to fix these issues. Once they are fixed it will be given to the developers to be added to Scoutbook. Watch the Change Log forum for an announcement.

I saw that earlier for the new application to be loaded but I’m asking about the requirements not the application. When will the requirements be updated to match the GTA and the application?

The official requirements for Eagle tank have not changed. Please report the discrepancy between the requirements and the GTA and application to your Council. The Scouts BSA program office does not monitor the forums.


We have now heard that there are no plans to modify Eagle Rank Req #2 to line up with what is in GTA - that team feels the GTA changes are clear enough

Thanks for following up. They are not wrong. GTA is very clear. But so are the Eagle requirements. The scouts and parents are not going to be reading GTA and this discrepancy will cause issues between parents and the units when the advancement chairs tell them policy that isn’t in the requirement.

How are we as leaders supposed to support conflicting policy (follow the requirements as written when they are written 2 conflicting ways)?

This is not the support volunteers need. We need the rules to agree.

I have reported to my council and asked them to submit a ticket to National. I’ll watch the change log and hope for a change that simplifies the rules. Bottom line one of them needs to change.

Hands Up. But my experience as a SM - most Life Scouts where counting MBs, thinking of Project, then they just looked at App - not the requirements in the book. We will see how it goes

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