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I am the advancement Chair for Troop 61, Pacific Skyline Council.
I have a scout applying for Eagle project for Eagle rank. He is approaching his 18th birthday.
The Council Advancement Chair ran national’s report and they are missing a number of merit badges.
I checked scoutbook.com and internet advancement and they are all there.
The Council’s says that scoutbook.com is not setup to sync the advancement correctly and has pushed it back to me.
However, if Internet advancement shows the record, shouldn’t it show up in Nationals?
I have checked that all positions have been approved and that we have physical records for everything. The “red circle A” shows up next to the scout too.
Is there something else to check on scoutbook’s side?
Correct. Only 15, but national only sees these 10 - the others are “missing”
Award Date Award Type Award
02/06/2016 Merit Badge Electronics
03/05/2016 Merit Badge Aviation
03/17/2016 Merit Badge Pets
07/28/2016 Merit Badge Leatherwork
07/28/2016 Merit Badge Wood Carving
07/29/2016 Merit Badge Wilderness Survival
07/30/2016 Merit Badge Rifle Shooting
08/03/2016 Merit Badge Weather
03/21/2019 Merit Badge Personal Management
07/13/2020 Merit Badge Personal Fitness
Donovan, Thanks for your opinion.
Our Council runs the report as part of the Eagle Project Application. They are the ones asking me to look into this. I am told the scout is finishing the 6 remaining merit badges.
If the sync of BSA systems is not working correctly, it is unlikely to affect only this scout.
As far as needing more merit badges, if the scout is motivated, they can be finished several per month - so two months-ish to get this done would not be impossible for the scout.
Two months-ish for BSA IT issues may not be long enough.
We see the 16 MBs Donovan pointed out in Akela so the data is syncing from Scoutbook to other BSA DBs. If your Council staff is not seeing the MBs in their tools, they need to use their internal support channels to report the problem. Since we see the MBs in both Scoutbook and Akela, everything on the Scoutbook side is working properly.