Venturing advancement and awards

Could you consider the tab “scouts working on advancement” to include requirements for ranger, trust, quest, or the core awards? there are no venturing related options at all in that tab.


I don’t understand your comment. Venturing ranks and awards are available when you click on the Crew tab for a Scout that is dual registered in a Crew and another unit or just appears on the page of a Scout that is only registered in a single Crew.

@MaryBacon Are you referring to the planned advancement in the calendar events?

she is talking about on Reports

Yes, when putting an event on the calendar there are no venturing options only cub and scout BSA.

I am talking about the event tab where it says “scouts will be working on advancement” there is no options for venturing there. Also they are not available to venture scouts over 18 if they happen to also be ASM’s back when we could call tech support or e-mail them I got it fixed for one scout, but it continues to be a problem in general.

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