Crew Rank Doesn't Show

I am the chair for advancement for our Crew. On our Crew roster Venturing Ranks do not show up. Troop ranks for our dual enrolled scouts show but that’s it. I tried re-entering a rank, it said it was approved, still did not show up. Its the same on the reports. Is anyone else having this issue?

Well there are no Ranks in Crews. There are venturing Awards, and they all show fine for me.

can you send a screenshot with no names of a scout profile

OH ITS INTERNET ADVANCEMENT (oops all caps) - So the Awards show in First picture. In second pic - On the First Class - if you click the ? do you see the Award. I kind of get why it does not show as they are not ranks and are not labeled ranks in the system.

Is there anywhere I can look at a roster and see the scouts ranks? So I do not have to open each one individually.

it is being discussed. The issue is they are Not ranks - they are awards. The Youth that setup the current venturing system did not want ranks

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