It would be nice to have several enhancements made to Report Builder to make it more useful to Crews:
Break Venturing/Discovery/Pathfinder/Summit Awards into their own “Core Venturing Awards” category. Right now, you have to hunt for them under “Venturing Awards” and they display in alphabetical order on the report, rather than in order in which a Venturer receives them.
Show Core Awards for Current/Next Rank. Right now if we generate a report, our Adult Participant is left off the report, and we see all Youth Participant’s Scouts BSA ranks even though Venturing Awards are only selected.
Show individual requirements for Core Awards like for Scouts BSA awards. Right now said Core Awards only show the % complete.
Our Crew is trying to come with with virtual meeting plans for the next few weeks and at the suggestion of several ASMs/SPLs who have used Report Builder to come up with meeting ideas for their troops we tried to use the report for our Crew (the idea being of many people needed a certain training or something we could do at home we’d see it on the report and plan on completing it).