Where to locate completed blue cards?

I am the advancement chair for our Troop and lately some of our scouts have been doing their badges virtually. The counselors have told them the completed blue cards are on scout book. I have been trying to find them each time I am told about this but I have yet to see one.

Am I missing something? Can someone point me in the right direction of where I should be looking.

Thank you.

As a Troop Admin and Unit Advancement Chair, you should be able to find blue cards by going to:

  1. main troop page in Scoutbook
  2. Print Blue Cards
  3. Select “Show All Merit Badges” or select a merit badge
  4. Select “Completed Badges” “Uncompleted Badges” or “Completed and Uncompleted Badges”
  5. I recommend removing the start date, then click on Update Filter

There are a couple of ways that a counselor might do this. One is as an image attached to the comments on one or more requirements of the overall badge. The other way would be using the internal Scoutbook Counselor Approval process which then populates a digital blue card. The digital blue cards are accessible from each scout’s MB page, then click on the “Print Blue Cards” link:

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You can also use the Report Builder Manager to create a report for completed merit badges.

You can check the box next to “Show % Complete” to look for merit badges that might be completed, but the Merit Badge Counselor has not marked as Completed overall. Sometimes they miss this final step.


Thank you for the replies. I have been looking for them that way. I don’t think they are getting entered. I will need to follow up with the counselors to see what is going on.

Thank you.

If you know the names of the Scouts and the merit badges in question, you should be able to go to each Scout’s Advancement page in Scoutbook and look at the merit badges to see if requirements are marked off or not. The name of the merit badge counselor (MBC) will be listed if the MBC is currently connected to the Scout.

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Yeah, Scoutbook can’t report on stuff it doesn’t know about, and there are plenty of MBCs that don’t use Scoutbook to track the Scouts they are working with.

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