Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
12983795 - confirmed registered via my.scouting in Pack he is flagged in. Had “work” done on accounts a few months back. Seemed good.
135549993 - no flag in troop, flag in Pack, registered in both, confirmed in my.scouting. I believe I am primary in Pack, but regardless, I am in my.scouting for both (this is me!)
120878389 - flagged, but don’t have access to that units my.scouting, pretty sure current
I may have advanced them incorrectly… it was my first time doing so for the pack. thank you for the help!
It is up to the unit to decide if they want an MBC to be listed on the roster with a different position, however, in this case the yellow triangle is correct because the individual is not registered with the unit.
That’s what I was assuming as these kids have been with the unit for multiple years, as long as this doesn’t hinder any of their advancement tracking or communications with the council then I will do my best to let my OCD ignore the little yellow eye sore. thank you for your help, it is very much appreciated!
The triangle is just “supposed to be” an indication that someone is not registered so you can get your roster fixed if necessary. It is for information only and does not change the behavior of Scoutbook.