I have a yellow triangle with a ! in it next to one of my scouts name in Scoutbook. BSA ID is 136740828.
If you hover your mouse over the triangle, it usually has a tooltip message about what’s wrong. I suspect it’s that the scout isn’t on your official roster (or that one or more details don’t match).
The Scout’s last registration ended 12/31/21. The day after the Scout is registered, the yellow triangle will go away.
I see yellow triangle on some Adult leaders, can’t seen to figure out why? I can’t see anything even when I hover over.
That’s generally the same issue (i.e. the leader doesn’t appear on your official roster at my.scouting, or has some conflicting information like BSA ID). One of your unit Key 3 (CM/SM, CC, COR) or a Key 3 Delegate can check the official roster to see what’s going on.
I am the CC, can you please guide where to look for the issue. Thanks
my.scouting → Left side menu → Unit # → Roster → search by name
I did, not there unfortunately
@edavignon Thank you for the info. We’re looking into getting that remedied.
That generally means they’re not registered for some reason. Could be a glitch during recharter, or a misplaced adult application. If y’all submitted the application to council (or included the adult on recharter), I’d reach out to your council’s registrar. Council websites will generally show the relevant contact info, or your unit/district commish can probably connect you.
Sure, thanks. I will reach out to our District Chair.
It is strange as she was showing after the recharter. I happened to notice it just randomly.
I know our recharter had a long lag between when we submitted and when the registrar was able to finally process it. The registrars are generally badly overloaded around recharter time, so the delay between us posting recharters to the system and the actual new charter being issued/updated can be relatively long.
The yellow icon indicates the leader or Scout is not registered in your unit. For anyone with a
, a Key 3 member (Committee Chair, Charter Org Rep, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor or Skipper) should verify the individual is not on the official roster at my.scouting.org. If the individual does appear on the official roster, check the BSA Member ID on the roster vs. the BSA Member ID on the individuals profile page in Scoutbook.
If you find the BSA Member IDs do not match, the individual has multiple IDs which must be resolved either by your Council or by posting the BSA Member ID and problem description (no names) to the forums. If the BSA Member IDs do match, report the issue to the Scoutbook Bugs forum. Include the BSA Member ID (no names)
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