1 Scouts merit badge and rank Not moving to awarded

As far as I can tell, marking things “Awarded” still is not functionality that exists in IA2 (advancements.scouting.org) in a straightforward way. It can be done easily from the Needs Awarding report in Scoutbook (scoutbook.scouting.org), as noted in previous posts. Our troop uses Scoutbook, so our advancement chair has things marked awarded there, and I don’t have any with which I can experiment in IA2. In theory, I think it can be done as noted by @Jeff.Wright above, but only via the process of recording the advancement.

I think that you can go back to the same badge by selecting the scout’s name in IA2 roster, using the Record Advancement option from the dropdown, make sure that the completion date is the same, select the relevant badge, and mark it as Award instead of Approve. (See ETA at the bottom of the message for updated info!) That said, it looks to me like a lot of legwork to make sure you have the right dates to re-enter for everything, and you can apparently only do it one advancement at a time, one scout at a time in IA2. The interface in Scoutbook, even if the Needs Awarding report the only functionality you use it for, is much more functional/usable.

As unit advancement chair, a unit admin or one of the Key 3/Key 3 delegates, you should be able to go to:

My Dashboard → Administration → My Units → Unit # → Unit Reports → Needs Awarding,

and select all of the ranks/awards that have been awarded and need to be marked as such. It should capture all of the awards and ranks for all of the scouts at once.

That said, there is no “undo” functionality, so double- and triple-check the list before you Mark Awarded. Be aware that, once something is Approved, it appears on both the Needs Purchasing and Needs Awarding reports. Once something is marked as Awarded, it will no longer appear on the Needs Purchasing report and will disappear from any open POs, so make sure you actually have the awards before you mark them awarded.

ETA: @JenniferOlinger makes a good point below. Any errors must be corrected individually.

Also, I unmarked one of my son’s MBs as awarded, and tried the process I outlined above in IA2. It doesn’t seem to work quite the way I expected it to, and threw an error about trying to mark it as Awarded before it was marked Approved. I really recommend going through Scoutbook until there’s a better interface for doing this task in IA2.

Just to clarify: you can undo marking items as Awarded, but it has to be done one-by-one. There isn’t a way to undo in bulk.

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You must run a Troop Report for ‘Needs Awarding Report’, and check the boxes for awarded.
Also, need to ‘close out’ the purchase order, if you use that function, once you’ve purchased the MBs.