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The parent BSA accounts that are listed twice in Scoutbook are: No email is check on one of the accounts, I’m not sure which one it is. Please make sure he is set to received emails with the primary account and that his birthday is set. One of the accounts has an invalid DOB.
He needs to be attached to his two scouts, their BSA ID numbers are:
I have a parent with 2 BSA ID accounts showing up in Scoutbook.
The BSA ID numbers are:
140340738 - Has YPT associated with it and a Valid DOB.
Parent of Scout: 140296618
Thank you for the help combing these accounts.
The user should log in with their my.Scouting username - not their e-mail address.
If they need to reset their password, they can use the chatbot (“Betty”) at my.Scouting. When it asks: “Do you remember your security questions?”, they can say No to bypass. The local council can also do a direct password reset.