Parents with two accounts

I have a couple of parents who have two accounts on Scoutbook. I notice that they are the ones who went from just a parent to leader or MBC.

BSA ID 13519072 / 13777613
BSA ID 12569444 / 13846276

Another issue - This parent with USER ID 11855263 (no BSA ID on her profile) is also not able to login on to take the YPT. I told her to just use the same login she uses on Scoutbook. But she is unable to retrieve her password. The reset email is not coming through her inbox. How can I help her?

Thank you for your time and assistance.

@MHTroop511KDC the accounts are merged - the other parent seems to be logging in

This parent does not appear to have a BSA member number or my.scouting username. Her Scout’s my.scouting username is associated with her Scoutbook account and is using the same e-mail address.

Hi Jennifer, does that mean that when the dad invited the Scout to connect and when I added the mom as connection - both had the same email address? How do I delete the parent with no BSA member number but using the same email address? Should I just invite the mom again but ask her to use a different address?


Thank you so much. I will let the parents know.

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