2 Recharter issues we need help with for our pack

Our Cub Scout Pack has 2 issues I need help with before we can process our recharter. Could you please help us out?

Issue #1:
We have an adult we are trying to add as a committee member with our pack recharter. He has a completed YPT certificate and has filled out a paper application that we attempted to scan in. It seems he was previously a leader in his last Council where they lived, as his BSA number on his YPT certificate is from his old Council because it won’t let us add him with that number. Please advise as to how we can fix this.
Member ID on YPT certificate: 13016352

Issue #2:
We have an adult leader in our Pack (a Key 3 delegate) who is also a leader with a local BSA troop. He accidentally clicked on ‘mark as multiple’ within the recharter and is now unable to click on ‘unmark as multiple’. It is also grayed out for me when I attempted to fix the issue (Committee Chair). He should be marked as a multiple with the troop side, not our pack. Please advise as to how we can fix this.
Member ID: 133537485

Thank you for any help you are able to provide!

Which council are you in?

Greater Tampa Bay Area Council

Give it overnight for the training To sync and then try member ID 137467458

Ok, I’ll give that a try! Thank you so much for the quick reply.

Are you able to undo the “mark as multiple” in our pack for Member ID: 133537485?


For Issue #1: The BSA member number for this parent (no current registrations) in your council is 137467458. If you need a YPT certificate with this number, ask him to log in at my.scouting and go to:

Menu → My Training → Print Certificate (on “YPT and Training Center” page)

Issue #2: Is your pack the primary unit which will be paying this leader’s recharter fees? If “unmark as multiple” is not an option, then try temporarily removing the adult from your recharter, then add him back. (After you remove him from your recharter, you might need to add him back as a Key 3 Delegate using the Position Manager at my.scouting).

For issue #2 we’ll give that a try. Thanks for the help!

@JenniferOlinger We tried temporarily removing and adding back Member 133537485 for Issue #2, but it did not work. Anything else we can try?

If that didn’t work, the only other thing I know to do is to contact your local council and ask them to reset your Recharter for you.

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Ok, we’ll call them and try that. Thank you for all of your help.