I am trying to add participants to an activity log for a venturing crew. I was able to do this as recently as January. Now I am able to add the activity, but there are no participants available to add. (see red circle area)
I am still able to add the activity for the Troop that I work with. I could add the activity for my child in the venturing crew, but I need to add it for the group.
I tried just waiting a couple of days, but that hasn’t changed anything. (Sometimes this seems to work when there are glitches.)
What ate your positions / functional roles in the crew?
Crew Admin, Key 3 Delegate, and Venturing Crew Assoc. Advisor.
Thank you for the quick reply!
All of my troops activity logs are gone. I can’t not find or get to them. From a scout I try to go to activity logs and get this message “The adult was not found within the active unit.”
What adult? This is a scout youth profile and I am the troop admin, advancement and Committee chair. I am trying to add a campout for several boys
+1. Exact same issue starting happening to me several weeks ago.
I am having this same issue. I can create an activity but there is NO DATA when I go to add members. i am a committee member and have been able to do so before for our troop
Have any of you tried a SHIFT + Refresh of the page - or other Hard Refresh?
For some, I think it is probably a permissions issue. I don’t think Committee Member is one of the roles that has access to the Activity Logs.
My issue is now resolved. Thank you.
@TatjanaWalker did the Hard Refresh solve it?
I didn’t do a hard refresh. I just waited a couple of days and tried again. 
@TatjanaWalker at login did you ever see a not like “A new version of IA is released - do you want to update”?
not that I noticed. I’m not sure why it is working now, but I’m happy. This isn’t the first time I have had issues with the activity log, and it seems like with a few days of waiting they go away. Thank you.
I have tried restarting my computer/MacBook. Have tried two browsers on my computer - Safari and Chrome. Finally, I have tried Safari on my iPad. No luck.
An issue has been identified by IT. We do not know when the fix will go in.