Activity Log not able to edit

I cannot edit activity logs from Jan 2020. Activities in May 2020 I can. There is also no way to delete the actual activity so I can start over. I would like to clean it up and make it correct but it won’t allow me to, the edit and finish are grayed out.

The new activity log system was released on May 6, 2020.

At this time there is not a way to edit entries from before the migration.

Is there any updates on how/when we will be able to edit events on the internet advancement calendar? Once an event is on there, I cannot delete participants or edit information. If someone else enters the information in error, I cannot edit it either.

There isn’t an internet advancement calendar. Do you mean on a particular hike or campout or device project?

Hi, I am referring to the internet advancement event calendar. When I enter service hours.

Thank you

@JuliaRead It looks like you just have Committee Member permissions.

In order to edit the Activity Logs at Internet Advancement, you need to have the functional role of Unit Advancement Chair or Key 3 Delegate at my.scouting (Roster → Position Manager → Functional Roles).

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Hi Jennifer, how can I get those permissions?

Thank you,

@JuliaRead You need one of the troop’s Key 3 (Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, or Chartered Org. Rep.) or a Key 3 Delegate to add you at my.scouting.

Roster → Position Manager → Functional Roles

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