(If you are reporting an issue with My.Scouting, please include all of the following items so we can better assist you:
*1) Hardware: Desktop
2) Operating system Windows 11
3) Browser Google Chrome
4) Browser cache has been cleared or you are using a private browsing mode (aka Incognito Window in Chrome) yes on both
5) Member ID & Council of person affected SB Member id: 4175714 Council 424 - Tuscarora
Hello, I am the AC for our Troop and every Summer I gather data to update the NOAA awards for our troop. When I attempted to verify camping nights , hiking logs, etc, this summer, all the numbers in the logs are wrong/missing data.
Example: Last year my son (SB Member ID is above) had 69 nights Camping. I keep a spreadsheet that I update so all the numbers from last years awards are in there. Now he only shows 50 nights camping. Same for the rest of my troop.
I have done a hard refresh and even went back and reviewed my SB notes on their profiles. Nights, miles and hours are all missing. Thank you.