Activity Logs incorrect

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5) Member ID & Council of person affected SB Member id: 4175714 Council 424 - Tuscarora

Hello, I am the AC for our Troop and every Summer I gather data to update the NOAA awards for our troop. When I attempted to verify camping nights , hiking logs, etc, this summer, all the numbers in the logs are wrong/missing data.

Example: Last year my son (SB Member ID is above) had 69 nights Camping. I keep a spreadsheet that I update so all the numbers from last years awards are in there. Now he only shows 50 nights camping. Same for the rest of my troop.

I have done a hard refresh and even went back and reviewed my SB notes on their profiles. Nights, miles and hours are all missing. Thank you.

@MelissaClites where/how are you looking at the logs. It is the units responsibility to enter the data.

I am looking at the logs by logging into SB, selecting TROOP> SCOUT>SCOUT’S ACTIVITY LOGS which takes me to SB plus. From there, I view the activity logs for each scout by selecting them from our roster. I am still verifying/comparing numbers. Our unit leader does update these but the approved night/hours/miles count should never go down from one report to the next.

You could ask a Key 3, Key 3 Delegate, or Scoutbook unit admin to pull the audit logs to see if there were changes made to the activity logs. It might also help identify what change was made and when.

It’s not clear to me what your conflicting sources are.