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I am looking to accomplish two tasks and am in need of some help, please.
Share rosters with other leaders created in Roster Builder Manager
Check a box to add home addresses under Report Builder Manager
Is there any way that these features could be added to each section?
It would certainly help us share information with other leaders via Scoutbook in a way that better protects the personal information we, as leaders, need to access from time to time.
I understand the desire to be able to share “rosters” within the unit. I hadn’t even realized that wasn’t possible until you brought it up. That seems very useful to me, too.
I’m not quite sure why you would need to add home addresses to reports, though. What’s the use case you’re looking at that wouldn’t already be covered by Roster Builder? I’m not arguing against it, per se, just trying to better understand the request.
I have passed the request on to the developers. Keep in mind that the display of roster data is based on the connections the individual has to the Scouts. For example, if a unit admin shares the roster with a parent that is only connected to their child will only see the single child on the roster.
Thank you, Ed, for your response and the additional information. My current need is to share from one admin (me) to other admins on our committee. I appreciate your help!
In this case, our Pack has decided to do a “remote advancement party” where Pack and Den leaders drive to each Scout’s home to deliver their advancements that we were not able to hand out in the spring because of COVID. We also have congratulatory yard signs to stake in each Scout’s yard…a socially distant awards ceremony on the front lawn.
I wanted the most secure way to send each Scout’s home address information to the Den leaders (since many are driving in their own cars, also because of COVID) and felt Scoutbook was the better way to go than just general email. The only bummer is that Roster Manager Builder won’t let me do that right now.
I get it, @Erin. So, in principle, if Roster Builder added shared reports, that would allow “distribution” of the relevant location information to other leaders via a shared roster “report”, and then they just need the advancement report to put together with the addresses. Cool!
If “sharing” reports in Roster Builder were added, would addresses in Report Builder still be needed for your use case?
Yes, if Roster Builder added shared reports, distribution of both location information and advancements could work very well hand-in-hand, especially since it looks like COVID is going to move Pack Nights into a virtual format for awhile to come. Even if they’re virtual, though, we are still going to want to get segments, belt loops, and any other advancements earned to Scouts and their families in a timely manner. I have a feeling that the “drive by/drop off” scenario is going to carry on for the near future.
I would like to keep the address option in Report Builder because that is the format I like to see things in as New Member Coordinator.
However, the Den leaders would not need all of the information in Report Builder which is why adding an address option to Roster Builder would be helpful. Then I can more easily send them Den-specific information that they need.
I had considered doing that, Ed, but felt that sending it internally in Scoutbook would be more secure vs. an attached PDF to personal email. My overall goal was to keep private information as private as possible.