Add Leader's Search Function Problem

I can’t seem to make the search function work to add a couple of parents (with BSA IDs) as new Leaders. I can seem them as linked parents under each of the Scout’s names.

@ClaudeAnello - have they filled out adult applications ?

In principle, once their registrations finish processing, they should appear in the official roster at my.scouting. A day or so after that, they should populate in Scoutbook and IA2.

Are they appearing in the official roster at my.scouting yet? If so, what are the BSA IDs listed there? As @Stephen_Hornak was getting at, they have to actually be registered before they can be added to the leader list in Scoutbook/IA2.


One is a Merit Badge Counselor. Do they need to fill out a new application to be a Unit Leader?

@ClaudeAnello - yes and for a unit they need to have a unit based position code and the app signed off by the Charter Org Rep. The simple reason is the MBC is a council position

Got it. Thank you - much appreciated.


About 24 hours after the Council completes the registration process, the individual will be automatically added to your Scoutbook roster.


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