Can't find parent to add as leader in search

I can’t find a parent who has completed YPT to add as leader, BSA ID 13632524.

I click on add leader from scoutbook roster, but there is no result when searching parent name or member ID.

would appreciate any guidance. thank you.

@ChristopherKenny If an adult is registered as an adult leader, they should automatically show up on your roster in Scoutbook.

Does this individual show up on your unit roster as an adult leader at my.Scouting?


There is no record the parent with that BSA Member ID ever completing any training or being registered. I found another BSA Member ID using the same e-mail address but with a legal first name instead of nickname. Unfortunately that ID has not completed any training either.

@ChristopherKenny - did they submit an adult application and CBC along with the YPT certificate?

Thank you so much for reply. Strange cause I can see the parent has a BSA member ID in Connections with a scout from ScoutBook. And I can successfully search by name other non-leader adults in our pack. I’m thinking getting her approved as leader is first confirmed at our Council level before any changes are made to the websites. Otherwise, I’ll check again on the member ID and her training.

@ChristopherKenny - having an ID does not equate to being a registered adult

Yea, so apparently online applications are not available for our unit at this time, so now we are stuck anyway. Maybe we try paper application or just reach out to our council about this again.

We also discovered this parent has 2 member IDs (14073693). She cannot fill an application to register as an adult is just not available. There is also another parent linked with the same scouts already registered, not sure if that matters.

This time of year, my first thought would be that your recharter has not fully posted yet.

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