Two of our unit’s leaders are missing the “Add Position / Role” button when viewing their profile from the Pack roster.
Leader #1 is an assistant Lion Den leader but has no connections to any Scouts in the Den aside from his son. I’m unsure whether this is expected with the “assistant” role but there’s no “add position / role” button to be able to check if connections change if he’s assigned a leader role.
Leader #2 is a Lion Den leader but only has full control over his son. For the rest of the Scouts, he has “view profile” and “view advancement” only. This is preventing him from being able to leader approve advancements.
- the leaders are existing leaders from 2021.
- the leaders have completed required training and YPT is current.
- our recharter (submitted 12/31/2021) is still in progress…
- of the 20 leaders in our unit, 2 are affected.
affected leaders
- bsa 13992883, sb 12168653, assigned role = assistant den leader
- bsa 5819263, sb 3477024, assigned roles = den admin, den leader, lion den leader
“add position / role” button missing - known national bug during recharter grace period (APIs ignoring the built in 60 day grace period). unclear why it’s only affecting 2 of 20 leaders but others seems to be having similar issues.
position / role clarification
It is up to the unit to decide what connections leaders should have. It would be rare that an ADL needs Edit Profile or Full Control.
positions are official positions with the pack and do not have any inherent permissions over the Scouts in the Den.
roles (den / pack admin) allow leaders to manage their dens including the ability to add Scouts and leaders to the den.
note - Other tasks an Assistant Den Leader might do include creating or editing calendar events, recording attendance, and working with parents on using Scoutbook. The Den Admin position has the permission level to do these things.
permissions - Define the level of access this leader should have with each Scout account. Den Admins need full control permissions over their assigned den(s). Set permission to None if you want to manually setup permissions later.
@MatthewMcCormick it is a known bug with the recharter grace period
The missing position / role button or the inability to enter advancements for the den (leader 2) or the lack of any connection to the Den’s scouts (leader 1)?
missing position is the Bug - den Admin role might need an update
Ok, for the more pressing issue of the leader being unable to approve advancements for his den, is this something that should be pursued with council?
have a unit admin just go in and update the den admin role for them
I am a unit admin and can’t make changes because the “add position / role” button is not visible on their profile for me.
go to unit roster - click their name - click admin position
yes - click update should solve it
After I do this and then go to his den and view each of the Scout’s connections, the leader still only shows as having “view profile” and “view advancement”. There is no “full control” which I believe is required for the advancement approval.
yeah then there is nothing you can do till developers fix the other bug
or your recharter is fully processed
Ok. For Leader 1, should the “assistant den leader” role be sufficient for him to have full access to the Scouts in the den? Or does he need to be given Den Leader and / or Den Admin role(s) in addition to the assistant leader role?
the system thinks they are not registered leaders - so they can only have VIEW connections - cannot record advancements - it will stay that way till:
- Your Recharter to 100% processed by council
- or the national bug is fixed
Right but what I’m trying to understand is, going forward (assuming recharter is done), should assistant leaders just be given the assistant position to have full control of their Scouts or do they need more? I’d like to be able to enter the roles accurately but if everyone has to be a leader to have full access to the Den then I’ll just make sure that’s done going forward to avoid having to revisit the issue for every new assistant leader.
It is up to the unit to decide what connections leaders should have. If your ADL is entering advancements then they need Edit Advancement. It would be rare that an ADL needs Edit Profile or Full Control.
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A Den Admin role for an Assistant or Den Leader will ensure that any scouts added to that den will automatically be added with Full Control. However, as @edavignon pointed out, that may be more access that the unit desires the adult to have.
There is not, currently, an automatic way to ensure that a leader is automatically granted rights to edit advancement for youth, other than the Admin roles. You could, however, have a Den or Unit Admin go through whenever a new scout is added to the den and update the permissions for the DL/ADL to Edit Advancement for that new scout.
Other tasks an Assistant Den Leader might do include creating or editing calendar events, recording attendance, and working with parents on using Scoutbook. The Den Admin position has the permission level to do these things.
As with most things in scouting, training about who does what is key to smooth operation and no hurt feelings.
One thing you might try is going to connections manager from the den page. Click the leaders name and select the permissions you want for them to have with the entire den.