Adding a Unit to the membership from a merged Council

How do I enter a Unit for a scout that transferred from a Troop that was in a Council that merged to form a new Council?

Thank you for the help.

Are you trying to enter new unit or old unit - I don’t quite understand

I’m trying to enter Troop 0061 from the Gulf Ridge Council that is no more. If I can’t select the Council I can’t enter his old Unit and if I can’t add his old Unit his reports will be wrong or incomplete like his Eagle Application or his Scoutbook record (which our Council requires to check advancement records for an Eagle board).

Thanks for the help.

Yours in Scouting,

Scoutmaster Huggins

Home - 703.569.7561

Cell - 571.214.8536

@JasonHuggins - that council merger happened in 2016, so the Greater Tampa Bay council should have assumed the scout records in that merger.

Well the issue is he might have a different BSA # now - all the old records are in ScoutNET which the council has access too and is still the Eagle Verification system - not Scoutbook for that. None of the old membership matters, just dates for the Merit badges/Ranks

Are you trying to add prior membership to the scout’s membership in Scoutbook. That isn’t really needed as the PDF that is generated by the Eagle app can be editted.

Scoutbook does not permit you to add units that no longer exist. You will not be able to add this unit to your Scout’s membership record.

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