Parent has attempted to merge member numbers (132879522 & 135320311) for recently transferred youth H.J. but new Troop is still not seeing his advancements from the previous Council. Can you merge the SB records? Thanks!
This is done @NancyHodgkiss - what do you mean parents tried to merge?
The parent reported that she used Manage Member ID and sees both IDs there, but when she or troop leadership goes to SB, they are not seeing any advancement from the previous Council.
Can someone provide direction on how to “synch” a new scout to the BSA National database?
The scout recently was added to our charter but isn’t linked to the national database.
I checked his profile and he doesn’t have a BSA Member #. Do I need to reach out to our Council for additional guidance?
@NancyHodgkiss manage Member ID does not effect Scoutbook merge - it does effect scoutbook login - but all is good now I hope
@WilliamO_Neil Well the Scout has to have a BSA # - a Key 3 can look at > Unit > Roster to see if scout is there
Checked - unit roster and the scout is not on the troops roster.
@WilliamO_Neil then the Scout is not registered yet - has the application been turned in? if so check with council
I believe so, I will check with our Advancement Coordinator to determine if the application has been turned in and then will reach out to out local council.
Thanks for all your assistance.
OK, good to know. Is there a way that users can merge SB accounts themselves?
New request. Need Scoutbook records merged for youth
Old: UnitID=85710, DenID=151285, ScoutUserID=9341925
New (surviving account): UnitID=85710,DenID=151285, ScoutUserID=12291507
Old: UnitID=85710, DenID=151286, ScoutUserID=6235401
New (surviving account): UnitID=85710, DenID=151286, ScoutUserID=12291506
Nope. If you can see both at the same time, you could (theoretically) copy awards from one to the other, but they would still need to be Leader Approved, as well as marked Awarded where appropriate. I think that when the folks at SUAC do the merge, their tools preserve all of that.
@NancyHodgkiss this is fixed
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