Adding another adult

I have a parent that I can’t connect to a Scout. She has a child that is in BSA that is connected to her. Her Tiger Cub is only connected to the dad but the mom wants to be added too
When I search her by name, email, or BSA number, it says no account found. When I go to her son’s Tiger’s page and try to add a new adult, it says that the email account already has an account.

I am on a PC desktop computer using Chrome.
Council: Spirit of Adventure.

Cub Scout: SB User ID: 12271194 BSA Member ID:137557806

Mom: 133622571

Thanks, Stacey, Pack 45 New Member Coordinator

Parent search is still broken, I believe. If you are a Scoutbook Pack Admin, go to the pack roster page, the Connections Manager. In Connections Manager, scroll until you have both the parent’s and the scout’s names in the view. Click on the intersection of the scout column and parent row, then set a View only connection.

Go back to the scout’s name in the roster, go to their connections, then select the newly added parent. Change that connection type to Parent/Guardian. This last step is not reversible by unit-level volunteers, so be sure you have the correct adult when you do it.

Thanks for the tip but she doesn’t show up on our parent list currently.

@StaceyMulholland Do you know their bsa member number (no names please)?

It may not be clear, but I think you need at least three pieces of info filled in to search for parents.

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Here is her number:

Yes, I tried using her name, number, and email but it didn’t work.

Ah. My apologies. I misunderstood what you meant about her being connected to the other scout. I thought you meant another scout in the pack. The work-around won’t work if it’s a scout in another unit. :⁠^⁠)