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Every time I try to add a new Scout to a Den or Patrol I get an error message
Whoops! We encountered an error trying to process your request.
Our webmaster has been notified and will fix it ASAP!
This used to work to assign new Scouts or transfer between patrols. It has been broken for several weeks! Please fix it ASAP as we have a lot of new Scouts getting ready to join.
It’s been happening for several Scout’s but in particular I am looking at ID 14348149
When I go into Membership, then reassign den, select Bear Den 1, and hit Update
I get the error message below
Whoops! We encountered an error trying to process your request.
Our webmaster has been notified and will fix it ASAP!
I’m not seeing anything obviously wrong. When you look at the list of dens, does the den you want to add him to have a green shield by it? If so, go into that den and try using reassign scout(s) from there.