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One of the most common reasons I will enter Scoutbook Plus between now and November is to add new Scouts to a Den. I’d like to see the unassigned scouts quickly and easily assign them to a Den.
I’d like to suggest that a new box be added where Scouts Not Assigned to a Den are automatically filtered to a smaller list for ease of assigning them to a Den. This will help reduce accidently selecting a Scout who has already been assigned to a Den to move to a new Den as well.
As another suggestion, I’d offer that the header bar in the table allow unassigned Scouts to be directly assigned to a Den without having to edit a pre-existing Den. This would be more intuitive as the subject is the Scout that needs to be assigned to a Den.
@DonovanMcNeil “add to den is already there - just hover over 3 dots for a scout”
I see that now… Thank you. Some initial feedback on that… Those ellipses are really not obvious at all. If there’s an action for a row in a table, I’d recommend putting it either left with that primary subject (typical check box style) or the last column in the row. Putting a row action in the middle doesn’t draw the eyes to it.