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When my second child joined scouts (Pack 95 of Fairfield) a few months ago the den leaders were very helpful in trying to connect my daughter to our Scoutbook account, but the issue could not be resolved in adding a second child to my account. Therefore, I can’t add advancements, etc. with her account, only my first Scout.
On 12/8, 12/9, 12/15, and 12/16 regarding my inability to connect to my child’s account on Scoutbook, but unfortunately my local chapter has not resolved the issue either or reached out again to follow up on the issue as of 12/20. I spoke to Karen and Frank.
Can I please receive help with this? I can be reached at SLombard7@aol.com
The parent search has been fixed, according to December 14, 2022 Scoutbook Updates, so the unit admins should be able to connect you as well. If they haven’t tried since the fix was released, it might be to their advantage to verify it works.
There is also a work-around available, assuming your other connected scout is in the same unit.
A unit admin can go to the unit roster in Scoutbook, scroll down to the Connections Manager at the bottom, then page through to find the grid intersection between you and your scout with whom you are not yet connected. They can create a View only connection there. Then, they go back into the roster, and click on the scout’s name. From there, they can change the connection type to Parent/Guardian.