My council’s camp awards “segments” for participating in certain activities, earning merit badges in particular program areas, special awards, the state one comes from, how many years one has been coming to camp, etc. It would be really helpful if those leaders whose troops attend this camp (and we have many, many out-of-council troops attend) could track the segments earned on Scoutbook to make Scoutbook a one-stop tracking place.
@CurtisAbbott - while many of us appreciate what you have posted, do consider multiplying this upon each unit, district, council and region. Just exactly who is expected to maintain the spider’s nest that is expected. The best that could ever be expected is a flat text entry without benefit of a patch.
The reason I asked this was that Troopmaster had a way to free text miscellaneous awards. Does that make more sense? This way individual troops can keep track of these other awards earned. Albeit, it was time-intensive to enter the segment names the first time they were earned but then I would be able to just begin to type in the name of the segment and it would pop up.
The capability of a flat free text entry would be an upgrade as there is no option for that as it stands.
@CurtisAbbott - let’s extend this further. Let’s say you enter the Joe scout award one year but next year some one enters it as Joseph Scot, or jeoeth scout or something else…just exactly how is it going to be tracked. This is the inherited risk of the troop master world. I do understand the request but also see the maintenance required behind the mess.
This has been requested in the past. Scoutbook is the official advancement tracking tool of the BSA. At this time there are no plans to add any awards that are not official, national BSA awards.
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