I am an admin/treasurer for our Troop. We are new to Scoutbook and I’m trying to update accounts for our committee members and parents. We have charter dues that we need to input but I cannot find a way to enter any payment/account information for adults only scouts. How is this handled?
It does not exist, but has been requested and I believe is in the backlog.
For adults that have a youth, we charge the youth for the cost. For adults without a youth, we track it in Excel.
Oh goodness. That sounds like an accounting opportunity for sure. Too complicated and too much room for error.
The volunteer written feature assistant extension provides a workaround for this and more.
I’m using that extension for Chrome but didn’t find the work-around. Can you provide more information?
See the following documentation:
I’ve read that in full and still don’t see a way to assess dues or payments to an adult.
@GaryFeutz Can you address this?
The extension does not handle adults.
Some people have created dummy scout accounts, but that’s not a great solution for a variety of reasons.
@JeniferRoberts I apologize for the incorrect information.
No worries. I appreciate the help, regardless. Hopefully Scoutbook will address soon. Seems so odd to me that our adult committee members are charged dues on the Charter yet there is no way to assess dues/payments in the tool that they want us to use.
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