Adult leaders have renewed but showing as pending approval

This is our council’s first year using the National renewal process.

Most of our members expire 8/31, and our leaders have been receiving the renewal emails.

Some of us have renewed, and our memberships now show “pending approval “.

To my knowledge, our COR hasn’t received a notice to approve these. He does get the notices for new leaders.

What’s the process at this point? Why do leaders need to be approved again?

I have reviewed all the documentation I can find, and haven’t seen an answer.

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I would recommend reaching out to your local council for more clarity on this. They can probably answer whether there’s something (info or action) they need from your unit or not.

There also could be local factors at play. For example, my state has additional training requirements for youth-contact leaders, which have to be verified. Some councils require YPT to be valid at least through the end of the upcoming registration period (e.g. upcoming period 9/1/24 - 8/31/25, so YPT would have to valid at least through 9/1/2025), or have other local council requirements (fully complete position-specific training, etc). Any of those could be holding up a renewal for an existing scouter, and the hold-up could be different from scouter to scouter.

@JamieDunn1 - i gather you have looked at the items here

This is happening in our unit as well. Nobody - adult or youth - who has renewed has their date extended. They are noted as “Completed” though.

Maybe the Roster is waiting for recharter to finish before updating exp dates?

I dunno. I completed Unit Renewal, paid, and it showed as Processing. A week later, it all reset back to as if I’d never done it. I called Council, and was told that recharter looks done from their end.

I like the idea of completing all this online, but the software has been terrible.

Yeah this is a report to Council issue so they can complain for us


Turned out the Chartered Org rep had to go into my.scouting and approve them. Our council the “auto-approve” setting for renewing leaders wasn’t working.

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guess that is like the COR sig on old recharter - good to know

I heard through another party that the “auto-approve” selection was not working as intended and has been turned off on all membership renewals. Until such time that is is turned back on (first enabled at the Council level, then the unit level), then all membership renewals may need to be processed in a similar manner.

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Researching this has used up my “one hour a week” for the next two weeks…

@JohnYovanovitch and do you have an issue that you wish to note ?

We are also experiencing this issue. Leaders are paying their renewals and are marked as complete but they are still receiving notices to renew.


Post BSA Member IDs (no names) and we can check the status.