Adult Leaders - Membership in a Pack & Troop Roster

Our Pack has two adult leaders who we would like to add to our Roster/Committee. They both have active & current Registrations with Troops in Leadership Roles. How do we add them to our Roster with affecting their Troop membership?


Troops in the same council? They should be able to “multiple” into your pack. Does your pack allow online adult applications? If so, it should be relatively straightforward. Another leader posted a how-to here:

If not, when they submit their paperwork, make sure their current BSA ID is on the form in the proper box and that the “multiple” box is filled in. Some folks find that also circling the box gets the processor’s attention.


They need to complete an adult application for your pack. Since they are already registered there is no additional fee. If issuing a paper application make sure their current BSA Member ID is included on the form.


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