I no longer can see the adult leaders training report in Scoutbook…why?
It depends on exactly what you mean. The training report was moved from Scoutbook to my.scouting several years ago. Since then, access to the report has depended on your registered position and/or the functional position to which you are assigned. What is your registered position in your unit? Do you also have a functional role assigned in the Position Manager at my.scouting?
All Unit Key 3 (CM/SM,CC,COR registered positions) and Key 3 Delegates (functional positions), have access to the report. Similarly, I believe that the Unit Training Chair (functional position) and Pack Trainer (registered position) have access to the reports. I suspect, but am not sure, that the COR Delegate (functional role) also has access to the reports.
@DaveMedrick - it was announced in the change log in July of 2019 that it would be moved to my.scouting.org which is the official training site.
Hey, quick response! So I was a Committee member, and was able to pull up what kinda looked like an excel page of our Pack’s current leaders data including “position trained” yes or no. just recently got changed to Pack Trainer and now I cant remember where I was able to access that data for all our leaders???
I generally pull training reports by logging in to https://myscouting.org, go to the unit number in the left side drop-down menu, then pull one of the training reports (or, open Training Manager if I am looking for a specific individual either to track to add training).
Your menu many look somewhat different from mine since I’m a Key 3 Delegate, so may have slightly different access than Pack Trainer. If the menu isn’t showing up for you, check to make sure your Pack Trainer role at my.scouting (not Scoutbook) is showing up in your profile.
Thank you so much for your help!
Found It! thank you very much
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