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Pretty sure it is some setting on your computer or network - Developers logged in as you and all seemed fine

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@jacobfetzer yes have tried multiple people. @CharleyHamilton I tried that just now, no joy @DonovanMcNeil well wish I knew what setting it was. But another troop admin of ours can also no longer access the profiles to edit, which led me to believe it was beyond just my computer

Can you try chrome incognito mode?

Maybe try from a different device too?

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When you are in the scout’s profile you can click on their parent leader to get to their profile. I myself am not associated with any scout as I am a grandmother so not sure how you would get to mine. I am a Key3 delegate and am frustrated with a lot of scoutbook.

Since you are a registered leader, you show up under the left hand list of volunteers in Scoutbook. Then after clicking on you, one would click edit profile. This would be for any volunteers. For parents, it would be the same method, it is just they would be accessible by showing them and they would appear under their Scout.

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