Adult registered in two Councils -- SB acct is messed up

Hi everyone,

I’m hoping someone can help me. We live in Chicagoland, on the border of two Councils.

I am a registered leader in Pathway to Adventure Council (Pack Committee member and Unit Commissioner).

My son is in a Troop in Rainbow Council. I am the parent listed on his registration.

Last year when he crossed over and his application was processed, I lost all access to MY stuff for the Pack and Commissioner Tools in We finally figured out what had happened (I got linked to my son in the new Council) and the registrar in PTAC was able to fix it.

The Troop’s recharter just got processed and it’s all screwed up again. I was able to fix in my.scouting but it’s still screwed up in Scoutbook. I am no longer connected to my Pack or to my son.

PLOT TWIST–I have just joined the Troop Committee and will be a registered leader in both Councils. I was told that “Anyone who has an active registration in multiple councils will have multiple Scoutbook accounts, one for each registered BSA ID. Merging accounts will cause a problem later.”

Um, help???

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I believe the first thing to check is:

If no, I would fix that first.

I will let the Scoutbook experts deal with the rest.

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Hi Bill,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I fixed that issue and have my profile set there so I can still access my Commissioner Tools.

It’s Scoutbook that is currently the issue so hopefully those folks chime in!

@DeborahJennings - well scoutbook only recognizes ONE bsa id per login.

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