Advancement.csv import, expected time

I submitted an advancement.csv file on Monday 7/11 with our Troops summer camp updates. There was a message that said it could take between 2-5 days, and we are nearing the tail end of that window. I didn’t receive any notification to indicate that the upload was successful, nor that it failed, I don’t remember it taking very long last year to update. Is there a way to verify that it is process? Or any way to know when to expect it to be complete?


Yes. You can check a single Scout to see if their advancement from summer camp shows up. If it does, it was successful. If not, wait a little longer and try again. You should be fine with updating because rank advancements, merit badges, and awards cannot duplicate.

Were you using a feature from the Feature Assistant? Sometimes those take a longer time to process than native Scoutbook features.

@DavidStehlik what do you mean you submitted a .csv? where?

@DavidStehlik I cannot think of a CSV file import other than the Feature Extension and it is instant. Internet Advancement is a TXT import.


I think he means the “Import Black Pug Data” feature from the Scoutbook Feature Assistant. @DavidStehlik, is that correct?

Click Here to View Screenshot

Now I’m questioning whether I did things the right way!

This thread : Importing Advancement to Scoutbook (Exporting from Tentaroo) - #5 by GoodloeWhite
indicated going through “Toop Roster” to “Roster Import” and choosing advancement.csv.
(advancment.csv was exported from black pug)

I did that Monday and haven’t seen any updates, checking individual scouts.

I do not have a “Import Back pug Data” option on my scoutbook page for the Troop.
The list is:

“Quick Entry”
“Troop Remports”
“Edit Troop”

So I couldn’t select that since it isn’t an option for me.

Oh - I think that is a dead link? let me check

That is a dead link… not been used in a while

Well… it didn’t look dead to me! I’m glad I asked instead of just waiting.

So how do I enable the blackpug import? Or do I enter it manually?

And thank you for your assistance!

The Feature Assistant Extension for Chrome and Firefox adds that functionality, I believe:

@DavidStehlik - is your camp registration done via black pug or tentaroo or doubleknot? That is key here. If anything other than black pug all bets are off the table

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The camp data was exported from black pug.

I installed / enabled the extension, saw the import, loaded the file and let it run. I will do a few spot checks of the data, hopefully all is well I was a little unsure about the options “Merit Badge Req’s” and “Complete Merit Badges”.

Thanks for the help! I would not have found this on my own.

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@DavidStehlik - if it did not route through 247scouting… then there is no import fir doubleknot ot tentaroo.

@DavidStehlik the Extension is gold for so many things


David - Merit Badge Reqs import the requirements, Complete Merit Badges only import the final status of completed Merit Badges.

AndrewChen - the extension behaves as a scripting tool - it just automates manual data input so it can take a few minutes to run stuff - but results are immediate in Scoutbook

I was looking over the data and noticed some items that waren’t imported.

For the first years scouts, camp runs a program which covers many rank requirements, Scout through First Class. These didn’t seem to be imported through the extension. Is that as expected?

Thanks again

Only MBs. No ranks or awards. If you go to the help pages in Scoutbook there will be a link to help docs for the extension

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@DavidStehlik QE for Rank has dealt with this for me in the past as it is usually universal

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