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I submitted an advancement.csv file on Monday 7/11 with our Troops summer camp updates. There was a message that said it could take between 2-5 days, and we are nearing the tail end of that window. I didn’t receive any notification to indicate that the upload was successful, nor that it failed, I don’t remember it taking very long last year to update. Is there a way to verify that it is process? Or any way to know when to expect it to be complete?
Yes. You can check a single Scout to see if their advancement from summer camp shows up. If it does, it was successful. If not, wait a little longer and try again. You should be fine with updating because rank advancements, merit badges, and awards cannot duplicate.
Were you using a feature from the Feature Assistant? Sometimes those take a longer time to process than native Scoutbook features.
I did that Monday and haven’t seen any updates, checking individual scouts.
I do not have a “Import Back pug Data” option on my scoutbook page for the Troop.
The list is:
“Quick Entry”
“Troop Remports”
“Edit Troop”
So I couldn’t select that since it isn’t an option for me.
@DavidStehlik - is your camp registration done via black pug or tentaroo or doubleknot? That is key here. If anything other than black pug all bets are off the table
I installed / enabled the extension, saw the import, loaded the file and let it run. I will do a few spot checks of the data, hopefully all is well I was a little unsure about the options “Merit Badge Req’s” and “Complete Merit Badges”.
Thanks for the help! I would not have found this on my own.
David - Merit Badge Reqs import the requirements, Complete Merit Badges only import the final status of completed Merit Badges.
AndrewChen - the extension behaves as a scripting tool - it just automates manual data input so it can take a few minutes to run stuff - but results are immediate in Scoutbook
I was looking over the data and noticed some items that waren’t imported.
For the first years scouts, camp runs a program which covers many rank requirements, Scout through First Class. These didn’t seem to be imported through the extension. Is that as expected?