How do I upload a black pug csv file for summer camp advancement?

Why does it appear the black pug extension I uploaded to ScoutBook is no longer available?
How do I upload the Black Pug advancement data file (*CSV) into ScoutBook?
Why has the tech team not figured out how to easily upload all the data contained in the Black Pug data file?
Removing or failing to enable these tools in ScoutBook or Internet advancement is not helpful to the volunteers who make the BSA programs function and is a huge disservice to the Youths in these programs.

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The import is part of the Feature Assistant for Chrome and Firefox. Make sure you are using the extension. If you do not have it installed search the Google or Firefox extension stores for Scoutbook.

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@edavignon Is there a plan to provide the new txt formatted file via BlackPug? For troops not using Scoutbook we still need a way to upload the file to Internet Advancement or I guess Scoutbook Plus now. I tried looking into contacting BlackPug they point to the council for support and so far nobody at Northern Star knows or has called me back on this.


When Scouts BSA advancement is moved to Scoutbook Plus there will be a way to import the file from Black Pug. At this time SBSA advancement is still in Legacy Scoutbook.

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