Advancement History PDF link downloads all scouts

When I click the PDF link to download the advancement history report for a single scout, it downloads ALL the scouts into 1 report. How can I fix this? I only need a report for 1 scout. It would be ok if each scout was on a separate page, however, all the scouts are mixed in together.

Please explain the path you used to access this report

@AnnaThompson1 - I am not sure I understand the issue

I think I found it in Internet Advancement – not Scoutbook.

In Internet Advancement, on the main Roster page.
Select Scout.
Run Report → Advancement History
Select All Dates.
Run Report.
Click on the red “PDF” button.

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Yes! That is correct. I click on the red “PDF” button, but instead of downloading the individual advancement history report, it downloads all the scouts into 1 report. Do you know how to fix this issue?

@AnnaThompson1 - that is a unit advancement report. You may want the scoutsBSA history report. What are you looking to do s that may help bring you to the right report

@Stephen_Hornak - I am looking to download just one individual’s advancement history report.
I did the exact steps that @JenniferOlinger mentioned:

In Internet Advancement, on the main Roster page.
Select Scout.
Run Report → Advancement History
Select All Dates.
Run Report. (I see the individual scout’s report)
Click on the red “PDF” button. (Now I see the entire unit advancement report)

Might this be a settings issue? How can I correct this?


Try going to Scoutbook ( instead of Internet Advancement, navigating to the Scout’s page, selecting Reports then Scouts BSA History Report. IA may be preventing you from running the report because you are not Key 3 or a Key 3 Delegate.

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Hi! I was able to generate the individual report using the steps you mentioned. Thank you for that! Do you know how I can change the report to not show all the sign-off dates for each rank?

Also, in the past, I was able to generate the advancement history report through IA using the “PDF” link. I don’t know what changed, but I’ll look into it. Thanks!

@AnnaThompson1 - in IA, if you click the check box next to a scout then click run report you will be able to get the advancement history for that selected scout.


Thank you Stephen. That is what I did, but it still downloads the entire unit. :frowning:
Previously, I was able to generate the report just fine, but now something has changed. There was an update to IA not long ago. I wonder if that changed the PDF link. If so, I’m not sure how to get it fixed.

@AnnaThompson1 - I just did that and I only got info for the selected scout… there has to be a check in the check box next to the name



I checked an individual scout - clicked Run Report - clicked Advancement History and clicked All Dates in the pop-up box. As you can see, it is preparing a report for just the ONE scout I chose.

When I click RUN REPORT, I can see the individual scout’s advancement history. But when I click the red PDF link to download the report, I suddenly get the entire unit.

@AnnaThompson1 - ah… I get that same result. What you can do is within the browser is print to pdf from the presented correct report.


Oh my gosh! You’re a genius! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that earlier!!

The developers are aware of the PDF issue.

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