Advancement entered last not did not generate an advancement report and does not show in the history as well. All of the records entered do show up under each Scout. How can I generate an advancement report to be able to purchase at council?
Yea I just have the same issue. uploaded an advancement report. 30 mb and rank uploaded fine, show on the scouts, shows as processed, but no advancement report generated.
I’m poking around scoutbook instead of internet advancement, but our troop doesn’t use scoutbook specifically.
so the needs purchasing report doesn’t match exactly what we need to purchase.
This is a known issue in Internet Advancement, the developers are working on a fix.
The developers have reported that they have implemented a fix. Please try again.
I had the same problem. Today, the advancement report appears on my screen. But when I click “generate report” it just churns. I x’d out of the churn and tried again, and now I receive an error message saying “Report could not be loaded. Please try again.” When I x out of that screen, there’s an error message on the prior screen that says “id must be a number, id in position 1 is duplicate value”. I’ve tried logging out and back in and the same thing happens. Help? Thanks!
The developers are looking into this