Advancement Report out of date

I was bored and read the instructions for the Advancement Report. #5 says “No Boy Scout advancement may be earned by female Venturers…” This seems really out of date. Maybe this is an opportunity to redo the report entirely, but even if not, this verbiage needs to be updated.


Thank you for pointing this out. Scoutbook uses the pre-made BSA form. I have checked and the form has been updated.

I have added it to the backlog.

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The form in Scoutbook is from 2012. There have been several revisions since then the latest available is dated 2019 and tha block has the following:
“1. Advancement procedures:
Packs. After den advancement reports are received from den leaders, this form is completed for the entire pack.
Troops. All Scouts who are ready for advancement appear before a board of review composed of at least three members. An advancement report must be sent to the council service
center promptly following each board of review if advancement is not reported electronically. This report must be signed by at least three members of the board of review, including
its chairman.
Crews and Ships. Venturers and Sea Scouts should give their advancement applications to their Advisor or Skipper who, in turn, takes them to the crew or ship committee for
approval, then prepares, signs, and forwards this advancement report to the council service center.
2. Only MEMBERS with unexpired membership certificates can be credited with advancement. Eagle Scout candidates must be registered throughout the time they are working on
advancement requirements, but need not be registered thereafter or when their board of review is conducted.
3. Fill in name and only one advancement award or merit badge on each line, but list all of one member’s advancement consecutively.
4. The pack, troop, crew, or ship advancement committee members should interview youth members who are not advancing. List these individuals’ names on the bottom of the form.
5. No Scouts BSA advancement may be earned by a Scout, Venturer, or Sea Scout who has reached the age of 18.
6. Venturers may earn Venturing advancement and Sea Scouts may earn Sea Scouting advancement through age 20.”
Hope this helps.
Ed thank you for adding it to the Backlog.

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