I have a Scout that goes by a middle name instead of his first name. So in his profile he has filled out his first name, middle name, last name, and a nick name (which matches his middle name). However, when printing out the advancement report, for his name it put “<nick name> <middle initial> <last name>” instead of “<first name> <middle initial> <last name>”. This seems to cause a problem when the Council goes to process the paperwork.
Brian - is that scout in advancement sync ? If so, then they should not be processing any paperwork. The advancement will auto-populate the scout record in scoutnet.
Brian, could you send an e-mail to Scoutbook support at:
Please include the Scout’s full name, BSA ID #, unit number, and council name.
Please post the support ticket number here, and we will try to follow up on it.
Brian - I just checked on one of my scouts who is listed on the advancement report using his nickname and scoutnet does indeed show all of his advancement items including those earned and approved on 5 May 2019. As I noted if the scout is in advancement sync then the council should not need to process anything.
I have asked the developers to change the advancement report to use the First Name instead of the Nickname field.