Advancement Sync

I keep getting a message that I need to setup certain Scouts with advancement sync and that as one of the Key 3 I can update this from the Scout’s individual record. I do not know where to go and do this and my emails to Scoutbook Support have gone unanswered. TIA.


Log in to and verify in Member Manager that the Scouts are listed on your roster and that their BSA Member ID matches with the value in Scoutbook. The sync setup message is typically seen when a Scout is not on the official roster in Member Manager.

I have checked and the Scouts are listed in Member Manager.

Do the following match exactly between Scoutbook and Member Manager?

  • full name
  • DOB (date of birth)
  • BSA ID number

In Scoutbook, when you go to each [Scout]'s Membership page, is the Scout’s current membership with your unit approved (green shield with checkmark)?

The BSA ID number field is grayed out in Scoutbook and they do have the green shield with the checkmark.

But does the BSA ID number match exactly between Scoutbook and Member Manager?

The BSA ID # isn’t listed in Scoutbook - there is just a grayed out box with no numbers listed.

OK, that is why these records are not syncing.

Try going to each Scout’s Membership screen, click on the Scout’s current membership with your unit, and then uncheck the box next to “Position Approved”. See if you can then go to each Scout’s Edit Profile and add the BSA ID number. Then Reapprove the membership

I went to each Scout’s Membership screen, clicked on the Scout’s current membership with your unit, and un checked the box next to “Position Approved”. It is not letting me add the BSA ID number under edit profile.

The BSA ID field appears to be locked out to editing.

OK, it is possible that these Scouts have a duplicate account.

Try going to your unit Roster page in Scoutbook, and use the “Transfer In Scout” button to see if you can pull in their records with the BSA ID numbers. If that does not work, you will need to send an e-mail to Scoutbook support and ask them to add the BSA ID number for you. Scoutbook support’s e-mail is:

Please be sure to include as much identifying information as you can (Scouts’ full names, BSA ID numbers, unit number, council name, etc.).

I will give that a try. Thank you so much for your assistance.

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