Scoutbook Not Syncing Advancements

I have a Scout who is in Scoutbook and My.Scouting.Org Member Manager and I can’t updated his achievements. I spoke with my Council and all identifying information matches. How can this be fixed?

What does it say on the Scout’s SB profile page? Is there a yellow banner?

Yes there is. I called Council and they said it’s fine on their end.

XXXXX has not been matched with a Scout in your Units official roster. Please check with your council.

ok have an admin go to Scout’s membership page > unapprove the membership and save > then go back in and reapprove the membership - that will fix it

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Can you please type step by step directions? Is this in SB or My.Scouting.Org?

Have a Scoutbook Admin go to the Scout’s Page
Click Membership
Under Current Membership - Click your unit
On this page at bottom there is Position Approved Checkbox - UNCheck it
Then go back to the membership and check the Position Approved Checkbox (on) and save

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Thank you so much! It worked!

now you can tell your Council how to fix it

Terrific - thanks. Have been waiting to get this fixed and didn’t know I could do it.

I just had the same issue, and your suggestion to unapprove and approve again worked.

Do y’all know the reason this “bug” is in the system, and are there any plans to correct it soon?


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