Scout advancements and syncing

A few of our scouts are listed in the roster of their dens in Scoutbook, but they are not on the list to add advancements. This is the case for 2 different leaders who have full access. We can’t add anything that they have completed.

I contacted my council for some help, and they recommend that I “force sync” (I also have some scouts in Scoutbook that were dropped in my.scouting months ago but are still present in Scoutbook) between my.scouting and Scoutbook, but couldn’t explain how to do this.

Any suggestions? Thank you!

@ShelleyFayewicz If you could please provide the Scouts’ BSA member ID numbers, we can take a look.

(No names, please.)

@ShelleyFayewicz dropping scout in scoutbook - just go to scout profile > memberships > but an end date on your unit - done

On Scouts not showing - you can post BSA #s (no names) and we can look. How are they NOT Showing - not showing in Roster? not showing in advancement (if this make sure they are in a den in Scoutbook).

Thank you for your response! This morning - before the planned SB outage - I opened up Scoutbook to get their numbers, and things looked different in several ways, but it looks like the situation is fixed itself. It’s not worked for months, so not sure what changed but all good! Thank you again!

@ShelleyFayewicz You had a multiple Scoutbook account issue. I fixed it.

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