Another pack and den listed in Scoutbook

In Scoutbook when I click the hamburger menu, a pack we were initially assigned but did not want to join still shows up, as does the den that pack assigned. Is it possible to clear those out?

Quick nav has never worked correctly on a reliable basis. If you don’t show a current membership in the “wrong pack” under Scoutbook → My Dashboard → My Memberships, it shouldn’t be an issue.

If you log out of Scoutbook and then clear your browser cache and cookies, then it should go away.

@JenniferOlinger thanks for the suggestion. Didn’t work though. I’ll just live with it. It’s not breaking anything, just an annoying reminder of a less than great pack experience.

It should go away over time. Quick Nav is based on where you have been. Although, it’s a little unpredictable.

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