Approved/Recorded - Just marks Complete


I have noticed this issue a few times over the past few months, and it wasn’t always this way [been using Scoutbook since the start as CM].

As Cubmaster (and advancement chair) I go into Scoutbook to add advancements for my Cubs. When enter them (a lot of times I am using Quick Entry on the den level), I enter in the relevant information with Date and the proper scouts. Then, I press the Approved/Recorded check and then Save.

It however does not approve anything and simply marks it as Completed.
I then have to go into the Needs Approval Report to complete the process.

Is this a bug in the Approved/Recorded Check box?
I would say Spring 2020, I didn’t have to do this many steps.

first thing I would do is go into membership and get rid of all the Den Admins - you are unit admin and that does the same thing.

@DonovanMcNeil, thank you I’ll look into that. Would that limit my Den leaders, since they are all the Den Admins. I’ve got myself as Den and Pack admin.

it should not either way - it is just a first guess

As a Pack Admin, you do not also need to be a Den Admin, because a Pack Admin can already do everything a Den Admin can for all of the dens.

@RyanPTaylor302 - when you say it is marked complete not approved - do you mean the individual requirements? or the overall award?

@DonovanMcNeil, anything. belt loop completion, outdoor activity award (another bug there as I had to manually complete 4/7 scouts this morning on that. The other 3 completed automatically), individual requirements.

I finished up my work after I removed Den Admins, no change in outcome.

@JenniferOlinger, leadership wanted me to be in the loop on all den activities in case I had to step in at some point. Keeping me as Den Admin keeps me on all the Den communications without having to add me from the invite list.

@RyanPTaylor302 try one last thing and it has to be done in this order > go to unit page > click roster > click your name > click unit admin position > click update

See if that fixes it - you can always erase what you approve - if not we can setup a screenshare to see

@DonovanMcNeil, worked! Just updated that 4 year old Pack Admin and no green check box…all blues.


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