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I have noticed this issue a few times over the past few months, and it wasn’t always this way [been using Scoutbook since the start as CM].
As Cubmaster (and advancement chair) I go into Scoutbook to add advancements for my Cubs. When enter them (a lot of times I am using Quick Entry on the den level), I enter in the relevant information with Date and the proper scouts. Then, I press the Approved/Recorded check and then Save.
It however does not approve anything and simply marks it as Completed.
I then have to go into the Needs Approval Report to complete the process.
Is this a bug in the Approved/Recorded Check box?
I would say Spring 2020, I didn’t have to do this many steps.
@DonovanMcNeil, thank you I’ll look into that. Would that limit my Den leaders, since they are all the Den Admins. I’ve got myself as Den and Pack admin.
@DonovanMcNeil, anything. belt loop completion, outdoor activity award (another bug there as I had to manually complete 4/7 scouts this morning on that. The other 3 completed automatically), individual requirements.
I finished up my work after I removed Den Admins, no change in outcome.
@JenniferOlinger, leadership wanted me to be in the loop on all den activities in case I had to step in at some point. Keeping me as Den Admin keeps me on all the Den communications without having to add me from the invite list.
@RyanPTaylor302 try one last thing and it has to be done in this order > go to unit page > click roster > click your name > click unit admin position > click update
See if that fixes it - you can always erase what you approve - if not we can setup a screenshare to see